
Your Scandals Are Way Cuter Than You

阅读44.6万 讨论10.7万 | BY: 毛球球


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9月03日 18:00


[9月3日 多云]

[September 3. Very cloudy.]
I found this pretty interesting app. Although it's still in beta and won't be officially launched anytime soon, I'm already having a lot of fun with it.







mao qiu qiucoo: completed (74 chapters + extras)
毛球球tl: COMPLETED 🎊


Jiang Ying, a controversial second-generation celebrity. Loves nothing more than collecting dirt on other stars.

Qi Zhu, a controversial actor. His hobby? Counterattacking trolls, tabloids, and anti-fans.

Classmates from elementary school to high school, they fit the mold of childhood sweethearts. And yet they were more like fire and ice: utterly incompatible.

Back in high school, they fought while reviewing test answers. On set, they fought over their scripts. For better or worse, the two were in contact every single day. Their QQ streak has never been broken.

By chance, Qi Zhu discovered his own dirt in Jiang Ying’s possession.

Qi Zhu: ?

Jing Ying: Don’t you know? Your scandals are way cuter than you.

Jiang Ying thought they would bicker for the rest of their lives.

Until, one day, he came across a new ship on Weibo: ZhuiFengZhuYing.

And a supertopic to match: ZhuYingYaoHong.

Soon after Jiang Ying was born, his parents held his zhuazhou ceremony. Among the items they set out before him, Jiang Ying crawled to the keyboard.

Ever since his youth, Jiang Ying had never lost an argument.

In a popular squabbling app that randomly matched users with differing opinions, prompting them to fight, Jiang Ying could handily defeat any opponent.

After spending three years on the app ‘Fight!’, Jiang Ying reigned as king of the leaderboard.

Out of the goodness of his heart, to benefit society, Jiang Ying took an apprentice who clearly didn’t know the first thing about dissing people. He worked hard to train up his little apprentice until the kid could diss and roast as fiercely as the king.

It was only later, when he was pushed down in bed and [redacted] by the typically cold and taciturn Qi Zhu, that Jiang Ying realized Qi Zhu had somehow learned every trick in his book.

tl;dr : to the depths of the entertainment circle we go! since-childhood-rivals to lovers, lots of bickering, mutual pining fighting, a mismatched-match made in heaven, and lots of unwarranted dog food.



  • youngest child of a very prominent acting family

  • jiang xun's younger brother (ymablty)

  • childhood friends with qi zhu

  • status quo bordering on best friends and "enemies" as of now with qi zhu

  • was a member of the disciplinary committee back in high school and my god was he damn good at the job

  • a menace when it comes to acting (unfortunately)

  • awfully good at doing face-slapping villain roles though

  • extremely, extremely prone to fighting. he's a fighting god online and everyone loves hates him for it

  • is on this 'Fight!' app where he fights with people online – like omegle but uncensored discourse – and has taken in One (1) apprentice

  • has saved 50gb of "dirt" on qi zhu

  • is not afraid of calling out anyone anywhere anytime


戚逐 | QI ZHU

  • update: he now has a face

  • very prestigious and well-renowned actor in the industry

  • childhood friends with jiang ying

  • status quo bordering on best friends and "enemies" as of now with qi zhu

  • was the class monitor back in high school, the only person who could deal with jiang ying's bs

  • as jiang ying calls him, "a sexless ice prince"

  • very dedicated to his work. yes, both in acting and in learning how to fight online

  • usually calm and composed, but he's intimidating. really. he's only ever a child when he's with jiang ying

  • pretends to not know a lot of things when in fact he Knows. and he's making his moves quietly like a cat

  • attended high school abroad so you can imagine how his and jiang ying's high school life went by

  • awfully brutal with criticism

追风逐影 | ZhuiFengZhuYing

ZFZY | Idiom, meaning 'Chasing Wind, Chasing Shadows'

  • they were rivals! since childhood! rivals to lovers aka the sexiest trope ever if done well and by god is zhuifengzhuying an extremely good example of that


  • you know those annoying couples who know everything about each other and aren't afraid of showing it off to other people who clearly don't have a clue about what they know. that's them but make them very clueless and very much in-denial about it

  • "i know so many things about my rival that i was mistaken to be his superfan because of how extensive my knowledge of him is but really that's just me keeping tabs on his scandals" jiang ying versus "i have known this man for my entire life and i don't regret every second of it. i have also decided that the best way to shut him up is to do it the way he would do it (fighting)" qi zhu

  • they have this boat attached on their profiles that can only be achieved by people who chat each other every day for months and years. talk about being obvious

  • they're hilarious what more do you need. no angst, all the misunderstandings, and ALL the fluff

jiang ying (cv: ma zhengyang)
qi zhu (cv: yuan mingzhe)

released on august 20, 2021
(tune in to the following apps if you want to listen!)